Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day Mushroom Hunting?

Sooooo, I'll bet my Mother's Day afternoon was a little different than yours.  I didn't go out for a Mother's Day Brunch with other mother's, or potluck it with family members.  No my Mother's Day was......different.

I love Mother's Day, the cards, the service (?), the flowers, the naps, the singing, I don't even mind that I do most of the work for it.  I just want a day that I don't have to deal with the 'Heavy' (thanks Jam) stuff.  'Heavy' as in settling arguments, deciding who has to bathe first (Why is bathing order an argument.... it's been 7 days, what does 10 more minutes get you?  And this isn't gross... we're conserving water.... we're in a drought.... we have to do our part somewhere), dishes, laundry, meal decisions.... all the un-fun stuff.

I'd avoided the 'heavy' stuff for the majority of the day, but avoidance doesn't equal progress.  I'd gone the night before and picked up the fixings for my Mother's Day breakfast, and I really I thought that Monte could handle dinner.... I should have known better.  At a quarter to 7:00 the kids started... 'Mom, what's for dinner, I'm starving?  Mom, can I have an apple, and fruit snacks, and a cookie, and another cookie, and another cookie?.... I made the announcement that we were going on the 'Boardwalk' hike, and we'd pick dinner up on the way.  I'd rather not say what dinner was, but on a side note are convenient store potato logs considered a vegetable? 

The hike was great, the only downside was that my camera went dead after one picture.... I had to get one of him with his back pack.  I'd watched him pack it. I questioned his pinwheel choice, 'to see the wind' he told me..... he was totally right.

I'm taking credit for the huge morel mushroom find.  The hike was my idea, and so was the decision to go down to the water.  Finding the mushrooms is like an adult Easter egg hunt, everybody loves it.  I kept suggesting that we should leave some for later, but I couldn't stop three pocket knifes fast enough. 

 We left with one very full bag of mushrooms...... And now it looks like I'm going to get a great Mother's Day dinner after all, just a few days late.

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