First day of school..... with one tree already starting to change. |
A good friend told me that she feels that fall coincides with going back to school because Mother Nature wants to hurry and get the hustle and bustle of back-to-school duties out of the way so we can all sit back and enjoy the beautiful sensory overload she unveils for us in the fall. I think that explanation is as good as any other, and it's certainly an accurate description of our last several weeks, and what's in store for us in the weeks to come.
So as I sadly say goodbye to my favorite season and all it's warm weather fun, I embrace and greet my other favorite season and everything it brings.....
Goodbye to flip flops & bare feet.....
Hello flip flops & bare feet (we're still good until the snow flies).
Goodbye to garden squash and zucchini (thank goodness).....
Hello to garden pumpkins and apples picked straight from the tree.
Goodbye days spent swimming at the lake beach.....
Hello afternoons playing in the sand and junk treasure hunting at the lake beach.
Goodbye dainty summer blooms.....
Hello mums and SUNFLOWERS!
Goodbye t-shirts and shorts.....
Hello hoodies and sweaters.
Goodbye to uncomfortable sleep in a home with no air conditioning on those stale windless nights.....
Hello to blissful open window sleeping, where you'd rather grab an extra blanket than close the window.
Goodbye to my early morning lake swims with feathered and non-feathered friends.....
Hello to tethered hot tub swimming.
Goodbye to our favorite hiking group were babies are shared and huge tree house discoveries are made.....
Hello family hikes were snacks are shared and isolated ponds are discovered.
Goodbye garden fresh tomato, basil, and bacon sandwiches......
Hello soups and fresh baked bread.
Goodbye outdoor bathing.....
Hello chilly outdoor bathing.
Goodbye grilled dinners in the shade.....
Hello cooking and eating dinners by a fire.
Goodbye canoe rides at Causey and exploring the salmon run.....
Hello canoe rides spent admiring the amazing rainbow colored trees.
Goodbye late night play dates with friends.....
Hello bed times.
Goodbye sweaty family bike rides around town.....
Hello cool evening family bike rides around town.
Goodbye last minute plans and activities.....
Hello school, schedule, and homework.
One new fourth grader, and one very grown up first grader. |
Goodbyes and Hellos, I guess it's hard to have one without the other. So until the returned schedule slows and the excitement of a new season fades....... Goodbye!